Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Memorable Mediated experience: 9 11 attacks

I was in Mbour Senegal when the event of 9 11 happened. i remembered i was with some friends drinking tea , a usual thing we do after lunch back home. when we were drinking tea and having fun, another friend who was not with us at that moment was the one who bring us the new. He just told us there is some special new on TV and that New York was under attack by terrorist. at first we did not believe him but when he insisted we knew he was telling the truth and we decided to go and look at the new in RTS the only national new at that time in Senegal. When we came what we saw on TV was devastating, two planes just hit the twin towers in New York City and they collapse. That was how I experienced this horrible event and i do think that because of the power of the media at that time the hole world in a way or another had a chance to witness the 9 11 attacks at the same time.

After the attack , our national TV did spend all day covering news from those attacks. That is how i knew that it was not only the twin towers that were hit but also the Pentagon also had been hit. What is still in my mind and I will never forget about it was how people were jumping from higher altitude knowing that they will eventually died and also how those two towers just come down in a spectacular way like we only see in movies. It took me a while to realize that the attacks were real and I was not dreaming. I could not imagine a country as powerful as the USA will be attacked like that. But the fact that the TV were showing it every single minute and that the whole world was talking about it make me believe that was the sad truth.
When the american government finally said that it was and terrorist attack perpetuated by Ben LAden, I immediately knew that the world will be on war and that the american people will fight back no matter what. So that is why when the Americans by his president W Bush declare the war to Iraq and Afghanistan claiming that he wanted to fight terrorist and kill Ben laden I was not surprised at all . Another important point I also would like to point out was how one group of people because of their actions brought problem to a hole community I mean the Muslim in general. After 9 11 , the way people looked at muslim people have completely change. And for most people the religion of islam is a bad one because it perpetuated violence.
9 11 did change a lot of things around the world. Since the attacks, the USA is no longer secure. People are always under alert thinking that in any moment horrible things can happened to them . Also the way the media cover the september 11 attacks show that we are living in a world where big event can be broadcast and shown at the same time around the world without problem.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this is a good example of the power of the mass media, showing how it can reach people all over the world at about the same time and deliver news on a live event. Although people live in different countries and may have different cultures, such news like this one cause everyone to share the experience.


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