Monday, July 18, 2011

Who am I? What is my relationship to media?

First off, my name is Karina Penaranda and I am a senior at Hunter College. I am a typical New Yorker, always on the go, always having somewhere to be. Like most New Yorkers, my blackberry is attached to my hand. To keep myself updated with the world, I constantly get updates sent to my phone about literally everything. I have CNN bookmarked on my phone as well as Perez Hilton's website. This can describe the broad coverage of media I deal with.

My medium and number one source of outside information has to be my blackberry. I am constantly checking news channels, weather reports, youtube, and social networking sites. As well as texting and calling various individuals throughout the day. Without this device I am a complete disaster. Its incredible the relationship I developed with my phone, with media.

Its not only an obsession with the device it a constant need to know what is happening at all times. I'm constantly getting alerts about breaking news, school emails, weather reports, new tweets, entertainment news, and texts without having to go through much trouble. My relationship with media is crucial to my life because I've developed a need to stay in tune with everyone and everything in the outside world.

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