When you poke around any of the social sites above that I use, you can tell so much about me and what I’m passionate about. I have a huge love for music that some call an obsession. On all my social sites profiles, I’m constantly updating my friends/followers with new music that is often hip hop but is also filled with music from every genre including a lot of throwback music. I love the idea that people can connect with each other via social networking and I have been successful with getting people interested or aware of a lot of new things. However, with as much as I love the Internet and social networking, one of the reasons why I do not like social networking is because of cyberbullying and those who know me in person or as an online persona, know that I am highly passionate about cyberbullying and think that there should be stricter laws and rules regarding young children and the Internet. Bullying was bad enough when it was happening to a person face to face because you knew who was doing it but with the use of the Internet, a lot of the time, the bully hides behind a fake profile and taunts their victim into feeling as if they are worthless which more often than not leads to suicide.
As a student at Hunter college, I am a English Language Arts/Media Studies major. My passion is teaching and I plan on becoming certified to teach early childhood education but I love social media so I would love to work with it whether it is before my career as a teacher or whether I find a way to incorporate social media into education. As a former member of Hunter’s Undergraduate Student Government, I was in charge of advertising the events we put together and sponsored. The biggest event is the Spring Concert at the end of the Spring semester and back in May, with the help of then president of USG (who secured and finalized contracts), I managed to bring in about 3,000 students to the concert which was held at Hammerstein Ballroom and featured high profile artists Fabolous, J.Cole and special guest Lloyd Banks. The president told me that this concert was the most successful at Hunter and she thanked me for handling inquiries via Facebook and our event page.
I hope this tells you a lot about me and I welcome questions or comments via this blog, the classroom setting or email. If you’d like to find me on one or all the social networking sites, feel free to ask for my info.

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